In 2024 we’re making a book. A book made by neuroqueering artists, writers, and designers.
The book will be an anthology of neuroqueerness and neuroqueering as it exists in this prolonged moment, the simultaneously global and local place, that We inhabit.
In its first year, 2023, The Grant offered grants of £1000 on the Spring Equinox [Ostara], the Summer Solstice [Litha], and the Autumn Equinox [Mabon]. We paused and rested on the Winter Solstice [Yule].
It is intended to support creatives engaged in intentionally Neuroqueering practices, which will have appreciable Neuroqueering impact. The Grant for Neuroqueering Humans seeks to support the creation of Neuroqueer culture and social esteem, for the purpose of collective liberation.
Why does this grant exist?
I believe in
Collective freedom and the dissolution of dominating hierarchies of power.
The material reality of the universe and our unique power to affect it as part of it.
Play as method.
The dissolution of imposed dualities and binaries and the smearing of hard borders into permeable negotiated boundaries.
Prefigurative art that creates the world that we imagine, desire, and yearn for.
Fluidity and fluctuation of form and process.
Embodiment as enlightenment.
Human as improvised performance.I believe that Neuroqueering is a liberatory practice in alignment with these beliefs. I believe that Neuroqueering is a way to break through the rigidity imposed upon the human body by ossifying yet intensifying social hierarchies, a method of freedom, and a process of continuous revolution.
This has been my own experience. By Neuroqueering with intentionality, I have experienced a drastic shift in my self-conceptualisation for the better; escaping the mental trap of capitalist realism into a space that envisions magic, pleasure, and collective power.
This escape was not a retreat into self and egoism; from social death I have been reborn, becoming [always becoming] a node in a network of nepantlera working simultaneously and asynchronously through time and space, inhabiting place and propagating lineages of care, love, and compassion. I am able to offer my service to others in a way that felt impossible a few years ago.
I am very grateful to my partner, Ward, for sharing his power with Neuroqueering.Network and the Grant for Neuroqueering Humans. This would not be possible without it.
Laurie Green